Thursday, October 20, 2011



  1. Butterfly ballots were confusing, why aren't ballots regulated by the state or national government?
  2. Why would a candidate concede?
  3. Is it ever possible for someone to revote under certain circumstances?
  4. Has electronic voting become more popular/
  5. Do you believe that the supreme court acted correctly?
  6. Do you think the deadline should have been extended in the first place?
  7. Do you think that it is right that Gore should have been able to take back his conceedment even after calling Bush?
  8. Do you think it would have turned out differently if the recount was finished?
  9. Were the names on the felons ever fixed so that the correct people could vote? 
  1. A difference of 0.5% or less triggers an automatic recount.
  2. Palm Beach's ballots were confusing.
  3. 20,000 people were turned away from voting in 2000 because they had names similar to felons.
  4. After 12/12 Florida legislators can award the 25 electoral votes to either party.
  5. There was a 5-4 supreme court ruling to stop the recount.
  6. Some counties in Florida counted dimpled chads while others did not.
  7. Angry protesters swarmed buildings where recounts were taking place.
  8. Florida has 25 electoral votes. 

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