Monday, January 23, 2012

The United States: Foreign Policy

  1. In a crisis such as genocide or a violation of human rights, will the United States intervene to protect the rights of the people who are being violated of their basic human rights?                                                The United States has intervened in the past. In Somalia the United States sent troops whose objective was to capture the leaders of the militia groups. Recently Obama has also sent troops into Uganda to help defend the citizens of Uganda be protected from the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). Led by Joesph Kony, this rebel group often uses child soldiers and abducts them from their home. Obama tends to interfere more then George W. Bush did which is one way that the Obama and Bush doctrine differ.  Obama seems like he tends to aid other nations more than President Bush did.
  2. What is foreign policy and who is involved with it? Foreign policy is the way that a country interacts with other nations, their relationships with them. The president is chief diplomat and the US secretary of state is Foreign Minister who is Hillary Clinton at the moment.
  3. What is the Job of Ambassadors? An ambassador is a person from a country who is sent to represent his country. It is the highest ranking diplomat. They have a great deal of knowledge of foreign policy. A foreign country will usually allow  a diplomat to control a certain amount of territory which is known as an embassy. His staff, territory, and vehicles are awarded diplomatic immunity. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Terry Gross Interview- Interpreting the Constitution in the Digital Era


  1. The amendments are not clear or concise to answer some of the rising questions that come with technology.
  2. Infringement on privacy has happened long before and it is said that
  3. The main problem with this is whether or not this is an infringement on privacy. 
  4. Facebook is unregulated because it is a private company.
  5. There is a Geo-position privacy bill in congress and it is bipartisan.
  6. Some states have restricted this already.
  7.  Germany opted out of street view because they saw it as an infringement of privacy.
  8. The opinions of what is an invasion of privacy differs from the United States compared to Europe.
  9. The social networks lawyers seem to have more control over free speech than the government sometimes.
  10. Google has been under pressure to take down videos that are terroristic videos.
  1. Do you think convicted people, or people under the suspicion of a felony should be tailed by GPS for a month,and it wouldn't invade their privacy?
  2. Do you think that anyone can be under surveillance at any time?
  3. Will the ability to give anyone surveillance over be changed if the upcoming vote for internet censorship passes?
  4. Do you think that a single picture such as Google earth is okay, while video surveillance is not?
  5. Do you think people should have a right to oblivion?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Constituent Letter

Dear Congressman Meehan,
I would like to address you regarding the bill H.R. 2552: Stop Gun Trafficking and Strengthen Law Enforcement Act of 2011. Gun regulation is not tight enough  in the United States. There is gun violence everywhere in every state. This should be a big issue on congresses plate, the saftey of your constituents should heavily influence the way you vote on this bill. This bill looks to ammend fedareal criminal code to bring down illegal gun trade. This would help in many criminal cases because this law would also make it easier to track where guns have come from and who have possessed them. This will also keep one gun from being linked to multiple crimes because it would make it more difficult to pass the guns from person to person. Gun laws aren't as tight as they even need to be. This bill would be a step in the right direction to what needs to be changed in this country. Your support is needed to pass this bill.Please take this into consideration.Thank you for your time.
Olivia Grassi

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Political Cartoon 6

Do you think this is how republicans really feel?
Do you think this fairly represents the republican candidates?
What do you think Romney's chances of beating Obama are?

Monday, January 9, 2012

20 Truths About US Politics

  1. There are many people working behind the scenes of campaigns. +
  2. It's easier for an incumbent to be elected O
  3. Even thought it's unconstitutional, when areas are reapportioned sometimes gerrymandering occurs. -
  4. Republicans tend to cut spending, while Democrats are more open to raising taxes. O
  5. Most people tend to be informed about candidates only be the ad's they see on TV about them.- 
  6. Candidates must show where their campaign funds come from. +
  7. Most of the time when a constituent sends a letter to their representative, usually a staff member reads it, not the actual representative.- 
  8. The United States government has a system of checks and balances.+
  9. Republicans tend to be more religious and believe in a stronger military and believe there should be a smaller government with less involvement. O
  10. There is more of a push for a third party having actual influence in government.O
  11. Special interest groups commonly contribute money to political campaigns. O
  12. Region is not a part, nor is it supposed to influence our government.+
  13. Candidates don't visit states equally, they campaign in states that provide more electoral votes and popularity. O
  14. Some people vote just based on political parties, not by the facts or their stance on issues.-
  15. Many people say that they view their representative better than they view the rest of congress.O
  16. Some states, such as PA have closed primaries which means only people in the Democratic party can vote in the Democratic party's primary.O
  17. Independents can't vote in either primary.-
  18. Lobbyists can heavily influence government officials by offering them many incentives.-
  19. Many people don't vote because they aren't informed of the issues.-
  20. The president can only be elected for 2 terms.+ 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Podcast: Left, Right, Center- Third Parties

  • 58% of Americans believe that we need another major political party.
  • Democrats are worried that a 3rd party could pose a problem to Obama's re-election.
  • Will there eventually be an Independent caucus if the third party is formed?
  • Has a third party been formed in the past?
  • Is there a possibility that there will permanently be at least a three party system?
  • The main need for the third party now is to address the budget gap.
  • The cost of healthcare in America is twice as much as the cost of healthcare in any other country in the world.
  • Many of the United States post WWII ideas are now outdated and need to be rethought.
  • Would the founding fathers really disagree with how our government is now?
  • Do you think Democrats and/or Republicans can solve the budget crisis?
  • Our government can be said to be structured to work for the needs of large cooperation s, not the small businesses, and people.
  • Do we expect too much from our government and politics?      

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Political Cartoon 6

Do you think the debt really is just being passed on?
What more can be done to decrease the debt in addition to what is already being done?
Do you think that ethics or money is more important? 

Political Party Research

Green Party Research
Core Principles:
  • Grassroots Democracy
  • Social Justic& Equal Oppertunity
  • Ecological Wisdom
  • Non-Violence
  • Decentralization
  • Community based economics
  • Femminism and Gender Equality
  • Respect for Diversity
  • Personal and Global Responsibility
  • Future Focus and Sustainability
  • The 10 key Values as a guide to a politics of vision of action
  • A creative pragmatic plan for a prospering sustaibible economy
  • A call to restore the diverse and healthy environment, and to cultivate a sense of community at all levels, from the local to the planetary