Monday, January 9, 2012

20 Truths About US Politics

  1. There are many people working behind the scenes of campaigns. +
  2. It's easier for an incumbent to be elected O
  3. Even thought it's unconstitutional, when areas are reapportioned sometimes gerrymandering occurs. -
  4. Republicans tend to cut spending, while Democrats are more open to raising taxes. O
  5. Most people tend to be informed about candidates only be the ad's they see on TV about them.- 
  6. Candidates must show where their campaign funds come from. +
  7. Most of the time when a constituent sends a letter to their representative, usually a staff member reads it, not the actual representative.- 
  8. The United States government has a system of checks and balances.+
  9. Republicans tend to be more religious and believe in a stronger military and believe there should be a smaller government with less involvement. O
  10. There is more of a push for a third party having actual influence in government.O
  11. Special interest groups commonly contribute money to political campaigns. O
  12. Region is not a part, nor is it supposed to influence our government.+
  13. Candidates don't visit states equally, they campaign in states that provide more electoral votes and popularity. O
  14. Some people vote just based on political parties, not by the facts or their stance on issues.-
  15. Many people say that they view their representative better than they view the rest of congress.O
  16. Some states, such as PA have closed primaries which means only people in the Democratic party can vote in the Democratic party's primary.O
  17. Independents can't vote in either primary.-
  18. Lobbyists can heavily influence government officials by offering them many incentives.-
  19. Many people don't vote because they aren't informed of the issues.-
  20. The president can only be elected for 2 terms.+ 

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