Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chapter 1 Interview

Today I interviewed my dad, on his opinions of the government. I began by asking him what political he cares about and he replied that he cares mostly the economy and the environment, but like me does not follow politics very often.  He agrees with me in the fact that he believes that most citizens are not smart informed voters, because most either don't care, don't have time to follow it, or just can't understand it. He said he believed that amendments should be made to the constitution over time because of the changes over time. He believes that the governments purpose is to create a good decent living for all of its citizens,and not everyone in America has a descent standard of living because wealth is concentrated to too few people. He agrees that with Obama's plan on putting more taxes on the wealthy for this reason.  Overall when i asked him about pro's and con's of the government, he answered that some pro's are checks and balances and that it's virtually impossible for a revolution to happen, and that some con's are that it takes to long for things to get done, and that there's too much fighting between political parties, and that is a huge problem that is limiting the ability to get things done in the government.

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