Friday, September 9, 2011

Political Issues I Care About

     There are many ways in which the government effects my life everyday. Most of which I do not notice and do not think about. I don't think about the water that comes through my faucet every day, or trash pickup. What i do notice are things such as taxes, pat-downs at the Airport, and serious environmental issues that always seem to be on the back burner. I think about the things that are televised on the local news network, and issues that are worked into various prime-time sitcoms. I take most of the things that the government provides me with for granted and I should care about more of the things that the government does; however when i think to myself what political issues do i care about I think of the big issues that are found throughout the media such as gay rights, environmental issues such as deforestation and pollution, and the success of local small business owners.
    Taking the environmental issues, one reason I believe they are important to me is because that's how I was and am raised. My father is an Arborist and my mother has a degree in Horticulture. Ever since I was little I remember the gardens we had in our yard where i helped my parents to plant flowers and trees, and they taught my the importance of recycling at an early age. As I grow up i realize the impact that it has had on my life. I found myself in Haverford Aware (an environmental club) and reading a book on soil and organic gardening because I found it interesting. Now when I watch the Good Morning America every morning in the kitchen when I hear a segment about the environment it catches my attention.  I care about deforestation and preservation of forests and parks because when I visit a national park during the summer, it is so beautiful that it is hard to imagine it is worth the cost of tearing down that forest to but another apartment complex, or outlet mall in.
      The reason I am concerned with the success of small local businesses is because i work at one. My uncle is the owner of a local bicycle shop in Bryn Mawr and every time I am there I see a parent come in, look at the price of a bike for their child, then head off to the nearest Walmart of Target where they buy the bicycles in such large quantities that they can sell them almost for the price that my Uncle buys them from the companies for. Though quality and service is lost it is extremely hard to compete when price, ultimately, is the deciding factor. I care what the government does to help support small business owners, because I would be heartbroken to see his business fail after years of hard work, time, and money. 
    Overall, i would have to say that I care most about the issues that the people I am around care about. It is because I see these people really being effected that I pay attention to the news and occasionally pick up a magazine or paper that features something about it. 


  1. Wow! I really enjoyed the part about the small businesses! When I was overseas, everything was a small business. There were no Walmarts or Targets. I hope, too, that our small businesses will not collapse. (Also, I totally loved your comment about deforestation. Great topic!) ~Hope

  2. Very good! I know just what you mean about the small businesses! My dad owns his own construction business, and everyone tries to eliminate the little people and go right to the big chain companies! The important thing is that people are loyal, and give you repeat business. But why do the big companies give discounts to the chain stores? They should make it even. Environment is also very important, but our population continues growing, and that means more development. Where else are they to get the space to expand? You did do a very good job!

  3. I agree with what you say about small businesses. The Government should really start paying closer attention to these smaller businesses. They don't get the attention they should. And although the prices are higher, the quality of the things in the store are much better. You're paying for the service too and smile too! Let's hope these small businesses don't go away. They're my favorite kind of stores. Big well known stores are overrated.

  4. You make a really strong argument in support of small, local businesses. It seems like many people don't really think about those things when they decide to buy from large chain stores such as Walmart. If people were more aware of the "why" and "how" behind small businesses, I truly do think that people would buy locally. Because you have a first-hand perspective, I think you could come up with some great ways to show people why they should buy from small businesses. If you could, how would you get the word out to the community?

  5. Having taught a semester of ECON last semester, it is so easy to talk about competition and efficiency in the abstract. But, as you point out, the choices we make as consumers have consequences. Econ is all about costs, benefits, and trade offs. What are the costs of turning our backs on small businesses? Many Americans do not seem to care or do not have the luxury, in the current economy, to pay the additional money that mom and pop stores often have to charge just to survive.
