Monday, December 5, 2011

Issue of the Week: The Death Penalty

  1. How many countries have abolished the death penalty. As of now 139 countries have abolished the death penalty. 

          2. How long do people usually spend on death row?
On average a person spends a decade on death row. During this time they are usually isolated from all of the other inmates. Over the years the time on death row has increased. A man named Micheal Ross was on death row for 17 years, there are a number of criminals that have been on death row for more than 20 years. Do you think that it's ethical to let someone sit in solitary confinement that long with no human contact. Even if there is suddenly a break in the case that keeps the criminal from being executed, there are serious psychological effects from being in solitary confinement that long.  Studies show that a person in solitary tends to become more aggressive because of the punishment they are receiving. Do yo think that a person should have the choice of life in solitary confinement and execution?

When the constitution was first written the amount of time spent on death row was measured in days or weeks, not the long periods of time we are used to now. 
           3. What are the methods for execution?
These methods vary from state to state but methods that at least one state uses includes lethal injection, electrocution, Gas chamber, hanging, and firing squad (only if both lethal injection and electrocution are deemed unconstitutional) . Lethal injection is the primary method for execution. 

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