Sunday, December 11, 2011

President James K. Polk

  1. Polk has been referred to as "the dark horse" and was one of the last Jeffersonian's. He made promises in the beginning of his term and met everyone that he had promised. He reestablished the independent treasury system, lowered tariffs, settled the Oregon boundary dispute,and added California to the United States. Presidents can learn from this to set goals and promises they truly believe that they can accomplish.
  2. Was dealing with turmoil between the North and South on the issue of slavery while also trying to deal with risking war with Great Britain. He had to learn to find a common ground between the north and the south who disagreed on many things. This relates to Democrats and Republicans today, they  must work to find common ground in order to move forward.
  3. Managed to cool down the heat between the United States and Britain by redrawing the border between Canada and the US. He was really trying to be diplomatic with this rather than militaristic. 
  4. Polk showed that you have to pick your battles when you are being threatened, rather than risking another war with Great Britain he managed to find another way. This was wise because soon after the US entered into the US and Mexican war. He tended to lose contact with his Generals during this time, it's important to learn from this that a President needs to find a way to keep himself in situations, and not just be in the background. 
  5. He was the leader of the Jacksonian democracy, it wanted a stronger for the common man and followed ideas that many modern day democrats would agree with. 

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