Saturday, November 5, 2011

Due Process "Last Resort"

10 Facts:

  1. The main evidence against Kevin Rojas was from eye witnesses who believed it was him based on the color of his jacket.
  2. Kevin Rojas was advised not to testify in court.
  3. Much of the evidence in the case had never been investigated or presented to the judge or jury.
  4. Only about 5% of cases have biological evidence.
  5. There are no government resources devoted to proving a felons innocence after trial, it all has to be done by the work of individuals.
  6. The Supreme Court will soon hear about changing how eye witness identifications are used.
  7. John Farmer was a republican who first started the questioning of eyewitness identification.
  8. Rojas spent four and one half years in prison for something he did not do.
  9. One estimate on the amount of innocent people was about 2 or 3% of those in prisions.
  10. Jim Muclusky is very important in the exoneration of innocents in New Jersey.
  1. Do you think that eyewitnesses are unreliable because of the trauma they've experienced?
  2. Do you believe a good attorney is what makes it or breaks it in a case even if the person is innocent?
  3. Should eyewitnesses be submitted to lie detector tests?
  4. If a person is not satisfied with their defense lawyer if it's a public lawyer do they have the opportunity to switch lawyers?  
  5. Do you believe that DNA evidence should be ruled above an eyewitness?

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