Sunday, November 13, 2011

John Boehner, the Speaker of the House


  1. He often doesn't have the backing to see plans through.
  2. Being forced to back the drawing on his first spending cut he considered to be his biggest regret.
  3. He tends to follow the crowd on issues.
  4. Threatened to punish recalcitrant republicans by taking away committee assignments.
  5. Boehner's republicans have used the leverage of controlling a single chamber of congress to slash $1 trillion from the budget over the next decade.
  6. Attempts to have more open process with more open rules.
  7. Tends to tell it like it is and seems to admit when he's wrong.
  8. Boehner is not a shy man and can be serious yet have fun, he even nicknamed one reporter loudmouth.
  1. Why can't Boehner often see his plans through, what's holding him back?
  2. How do citizens tend to view Boehner?
  3. Does he not exercise his authoritarian power as a tactic to be popular with people?
  4. How is he viewed in the eyes of other politicians?
  5. What do you think are some of the biggest challenges Boehner will face in the future?

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