Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How Washington Works

10 facts

  1. Congress is given short weeks in order to give the members more time with their constituents. 
  2. "Potomac fever" which is the incurable addiction of wielding political power or feeling at the political center, was said to be caught by people who serve in the executive branch or congress.
  3. Most people stay in Washington after their term and become lawyers, lobbyists, or consultants, becaue they're grown accustomed to Washington's ways.
  4. Personal relationships often cut across party and ideological lines.
  5. An amendment can sometimes be a complete substitute bill with quite different impact and meaning, which is known as the "killer amendment".
  6. The House Whip is Trent Lott of Mississippi.
  7. Republican Brahmin from Boston, held four cabinet positions in the Nixon and Ford administrations.
  8. Many people view politicians as a synonym for hypocrisy, which actually tends to be very inaccurate.
  9. Washington is referred to as a one-subject town.
  10. Very few politicians admit in print how much they hunger for public recognition. 
  1. Do you believe that politicians living in Washington are isolated from the mainstream?
  2. Do you think because congressmen often see their constituents it pressures them to earmark more? 
  3. Do you think that new politicians in Washington are more are more easily swayed by the opinions of others because they are looking to make connections with people?
  4. Do you believe that people in Washington could "survive" if they didn't form a group of allies?
  5. Is the majority of people in the government including lobbyists from wealthier families?
  6. Does power tend to go to peoples head if they stay in Washington too long?
  7. If politicians are truly in office for public service then how could corruption happen?
  8. Do you think a politician can lose touch with his constituents because he is so much more informed of issues than the people he represents?
  9. How do people change once they are out of office and out of Washington?
  10. Do you believe that deep down Washington truly changes a person?

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