Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Illegal Immigration

"Would there be cases in which illegal immigrants are allowed to stay in the United States?"
There have been cases in which illegal immigrants have been authorized to stay. For example a 20 year old woman named Olga Zanella was unexpectedly allowed to stay in the country after she had been pulled over in Texas. Her family also came forward and requested to become a legal citizen. The conditions for her to stay in the country legally were to stay in school and out of trouble. This is an effect of Obama trying to reform the deportation process. ICE say's they are now trying to focus on criminals and people who could be considered dangerous, rather than immigrants simply trying to get an education. The arrests made by homeland security have actually significantly fallen from 1.6 million in 200 to 400,000 in 2010 to 300,000 in 2011.

Why should jobs be given to illegal immigrants if they can be given to US citizens.
I believe most if the work that illegals do is simply work that our citizens don't want to do. First of all they will refuse to work for the low pay that these jobs provide and they aren't accustomed to the back-breaking, physical labor that many of these jobs require. In fact today because of the tough job market a recent study shows that the amount of people traveling from the Mexico to the US are about equal to the amount of people traveling back from the US to Mexico. In addition illegals don't have a very big impact on many citizens wages. The main people who would be competing with illegal immigrants for work would be high school dropouts. No one else is really looking to do the kind of work they do because they are over qualified. It also has little effect on the unemployment rate because of the immigrants in the country more jobs are opened up in other places such as diners or a barbershop. In fact when the impact of illegals on the economy is averaged overall the result is slightly positive, increasing the wealth of the US by less than one percent.

Why don't illegal immigrants just go through the process to become a citizen?
The first step you have to take in trying to acquire a green card is to see if you're even eligible to get one. You can apply for a green card through family, a job, if you're a refugee, and there are many other cases. Each case has a list of things required for them. This can be a very long and involved process and you don't even have a definite chance of being a citizen. It is also an expensive process it's $680 total. $595 for an application fee and $85 for fingerprinting. Many of the immigrants have neither the money nor the time to wait for this process when they need to provide for their family.

I learned a lot from this. It's extremely difficult and expensive to get citizenship. Immigrants are also heavily stereotyped while American citizens don't even know the real facts. In fact i came across one newspaper where the whole article was opinion and was completely wrong. This man was saying all of these things about immigration when he clearly shouldn't be. He had zero facts or statistics to prove what he was saying and many people commented on it agreeing with it. It show me how arrogant and oblivious people are to the true facts of this issue. 





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